Tuesday, August 30, 2011



DATED : 20 MARCH 2011.
TIMING : 01:00 AM


The fraction of second is very valuable,
O baby are you giving the approval.
No then checkout baby…….
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They both work in different destination,
Earth is a nation and heaven is a nation,
But they work for the pollination.
Using mouth spine for sucking the juice of pollen,
As they moves randomly as tribal in their nation.
O God start making attitude as bee to the human,
'Couse life is not easy in devotion,
So that we human should love one, hate none and ever,
The bee in the earth and bee in the heaven…….
The bee has no limit, so they moves their wings in a fraction of second.
'Couse we human can win in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second…….
Earth is round and round that have no start point,
The garden like heaven is also no start point,
O every individual can enjoy in the heaven endless,
If and only when your task in the motherland is clear,
After and after by god approval,
So live like bee in earth and heaven…….
The bee has no limit, so they moves their wings in a fraction of second.
'Couse we human can win in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second…….
The better then the best is not i nor the whole human,
'Couse the day is hotter and night is cooler,
So don’t be a wonderer as drinker,
He left his life behind, and you are not a looser as Drunker,
'Couse there is a fraction of second, which can make you a millionaire,
So work like as bee in the earth and heaven…….
The bee has no limit, so they moves their wings in a fraction of second.
'Couse we human can also win in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second.
Bee in the earth and bee in the heaven,
They moves their wings in a fraction of second…….
The fraction of second is very valuable,
O baby now you gives the approval.
This sentence is neither negation nor refusal.


Saturday, August 6, 2011



1. I hate to see you Laughing on poor fellow and scolding.....

2. "The day is the mission execution period but the night is the planning period of next mission....."

3. You cant apart Human from Paper,
'Cause Human can lie their Identity, But Paper can not,
'Cause ones Printed cant be Omitted,
So due to this I-Card is being Come in Use.


5. Stick are Good for the Drain, But bad for the evil student,
The stick cleans the drain dirt just like evel activity or behaviour of student.

6. Why Heart is Red,
Why Traffic Stop Light is Red,
Why Blood is Red,
Why Rose is Red,
'Cause Red is the Colour of Love,
Which starts from Heart,
To let you stop and Remain in Heart,
And Cerculate in Heart,
And Spread the Sent as Rose in Heart,
These are the feature of the colour Red.

7. "Dont rub your palm in so pity...
couse it shows that you are in a guilt...
So clap your hand that you got friend like me..
so dont worry.."

8. Live in darkness cause nobody can disturb you even your shadow also....
cause every happy moment comes after sad moment....

9. "World is a part of transaction....
in a sence of human....
if you pay respect you get respect....
if you pay regard you will get regard....
if you pay love you will get love....
So do the transection in your life...."

10. "Ghosts is the greedyness present in your mind conflict.......and also evil behavior conflict..........."

11. I am not in Love Couse I didnt Love Myself only......

12. LOVE "Love is a part of God created in promised land which is beign executed in every individual while performing this activity in their motherland whlie facing some tossing and turning in their track ground"


14. Music is not only for entertainment but also of maditation and exercise especially to the dancer,
'cause after listining it you can not able to stop to think the step and expression but also you got good exercise,
'cause dancing is also a good exercise for this you get good entertainment.

15. To Meditate your mind is good only and only,
'Cause if doing Meditation your mind is gone in empty,
If the full glass is not pored into other vessel then you cant have more water,
Same as if you cant empty your mind in that sense then you cant grasp more topic.

16. When Today I seen Lunar Eclips Then suddenly I think This Thought...
Dont think that eclips is the phenomenon of hevenly bodies,
Its the only and only the punishment of hevenly bodies given by the god on time beign,
So if the hevenly bodies can get punisment then whats the human in front of that.


18. Dont think word "Distence" is for Length but it is also for Time,
'Couse the distence covered from Born to Death is known as Life,
In life you dont Travel any paths but you have to take Time to be covered.

19. The Word is made up of Alphabet, But the word "Alphabet" starts from charecter 'A' and ends with 'T',
Here Charecter 'A' is Active mean to come in Alive and,
Character 'T' is to Terminate mean to be End of Life,
A Collection of character in English is 26,
Here you have option to create various words composed by this 26.
And life has no any collection of Chances for Living Life,
Mean you have no any other Chance to create your Life.

20. The word Concentrate mean that to be connected to the center point of the topic for exploration.


22. To Handle the Danger Activity you need the Skill,
Mean Skill Executed in a Smart Manner in the Difficult Moment is known as Skill,
SKILL short for Smart Killing the Inturrept Level in Life.

23. Nick Name are the Word Which is Being given to the Fellow According to there Activity or Behaviour by the called Fellow.

24. STAGE = Show Tallent Activity in Groovy for Entertainment. 'Cause here you can show in number of activity which your tallent said, For produsing great to groovy to produce stunning entertainment.

25. Every Individual of Friend Circle is like a Star, if One Star Apart then it will be Incomplete Constilation, 'Cause Every Individual Star Perform Specific Role,
So Dont Apart my Friend it will Become Partial Constilation.

26. God is Present in life, 'Cause the short for life is, Live Immortal for Flourish in Earth,
Mean God lives Immortal to every Living Individual for Blooming in Earth.
Here Immortal mean Presence of God is Before Birth, During Life and After Life.

27. The Abbriviation of SEND,
Search Entire Network till Destination,
'Cause The thing or article you want to send till SEnd,
Mean Service to be End,
'Cause SEND is the type of Services.

28. TRAIN Means of Abbriviation, Travel in Rail which Accelerate for Interact on Network,
'Cause here the TRAIN Travels in the Iron Track in a Fast manner which get Syncronized with Rail Web.
And other sence TRain mean Transfer Rain,
Rain transfer from Solid Cloud to Shower of Water which is Liquid.
So dont Convert your Forms Like TRain Spread yourself as TRAIN.

29. If you Love Someone, Then Love like Solute and Solvent, It Mix in such manner that they seems as One,
And Don't Put Exclamation Mark on Love,
'Cause it acts like Fire which apart this two.

30. ALLAH = Almighty which Liberate in Life to Advert about Honesty.
'Cause after saying ALLAH mean that we are taking name of our Almighty who releases and set free inside every individuals life which we have to advertise with honesty which is the best stunning policy.
If you are Honest mean you are Liable to every Individual
So say the name of ALLAH in a Loud Manner.

31. I hate you crying in happy moment..
laugh and laugh cause laughing is the good excersise...
according to my sence...
laugh even in the sad moment which helps you to forget you that you are in troubble...

32. VIP short for Vertual Individual Personality,
'Cause if we say any fellow VIP mean that the Fellow is not Real,
Original the Fellow is same as all Individual,
Vertual is the Immaginary we are Addressing to the Fellow,
It is also the Imaginary Status Addressing.

33. EDIT = Explore Drafting Intelligence in Terminal,
'Cause here you Explore your new Ideas which you Draft with intelligent in Terminal,
While EDITing you put the new exploring which is drafted in the article terminal to show intelligence,
So EDIT your Activity, Attitude and Way of Living so Everybody should Stun of You.

34. Do You Need For Speed Or Want Too Fast To Furious Then You Want To Show SPEED,
'Cause The Short For SPEED IS = Splendid Power for Exploring the Extreme Destination/Danger.
'Cause In SPEED You Are Showing Your Owsome Governing Strength To Get Discover The Intelligence Which Your Knowledge Said About The Furthest Or Highest Degree Of The Ultimate Goal For which Something Is Done With Final Death Risk.
So SPEED Up Your Performance without Fear And Hessitation.

35. Everybody Need Their Life Upto-Date But Nobody wants The Too Fast Too Furious,
'Cause The Short For FAST Is Firstly Accelerate in Speed Transition,
Here You Have to Start Yourself Foremost To Getting The Speed While Following The Protocol Of Speed To Having Transit,
So Dont Fear Of FAST.......

36. Everybody said that sky has no limit but its stops there when space starts,
But my limit doesent stops any space,
'Cause my limit starts where the limit of space stops.

37. Abbrivation of FAN, Functionate for Air of Nature,
'Cause when anything moves it cause Air occurance,
So same as the fan do.

38. Why 'A' Alphabet comes when Thousand starts,
'Cause of its abbrivation of THOUSAND, Ten Hundred Ordered United Showing Assigned Numbered Denoting,
'Cause it assign all number to create Ten Cluster United and Showing Mega Strength,
And Why 'A' Alphabet is the Starting last three alphabet of word THOUSAND which is AND,
'Cause it means that it need to be continue the Number of Strength.

39. There is an excercise to listen Music after closing eyes to have some meditation,
Then you have to listen MP3 which can able to listen while closing eyes,
So the short for MP3 = MPPP = Music Produced for Public Pleasure,
'Cause after listning MP3 i mean the music which is beign recorded and produced for the public and when public listen it they feel pleasure,
So listen MP3 without any fear or hessitation.

40. Love is a part like symphoney in music of life,
'Cause symphoney of music for rythm follows frequency which have inclination and disinclination razor which can be loved to tollerate this happening in life, And MUSIC gives us pleasure in listning,
So Feel for the Ups and Down of Love in Life.

41. SPACE = Study Phenomenon Activity Of Celestial Exploration,
'Cause Space is the place where all Galaxies, Constilations, Stars, Planets, Satellites, Asteroids, Metiors and Comments, Lives in Bounded in Differentiate and in well defines manner,
No any thing which can be apart than these have to study,
'Cause everything comes under this,
So do study about phenomenon activities, things and behaviour of the celestial bodies for exploration.

42. SLEEP means of Abbriviation, Stay Lazy in Ease for Enjoying Pleasent,
'Cause when you are in a sleep mode you first have to stay initialized in lazy moment to feel ease for enjoying pleasent sleeping,
For this you will have good meditation,
So Sleep better when you need it.

43. LEGS means of Abbriviation, LEGS = Life Explore in Generating Steps,
'Cause in every walk of life you explore yourself when you put your steps to generate your knowledge learning,
So dont hesitate to initialize or forward and so on and on your steps.

44. I am a Voyager which can Sail a Kiss and also drinks pink,
'Cause pink is the colour of Happiness,
You know who am i,
I am a Lips which can sail the kisses of happiness,
By which you get happiness while promoting good speach in life.

45. TIME means of Abbrivation,
TIME = Travel Initial Media to End.
'Cause Distence is not for Length but also for Life,
Life is distence from Born to Death,
So you have to travel your life from initial end to end end' which is linked in a number of Nodes as Media,
And Nodes are Ups and Down tackling in life covering.

46. CIRCLE says that to Repeat,
LINE tells that go Straight,
But DOT tells that I am the Creater of these Two,
'Cause Without DOT you cant create your life update and cant repeat your update in increase manner,
So collect your Dots to repeat like circle and grow your life in enhance like line.

47. If we think in our mind any good thinking might be able to come in live should say Inshaallah,
If you see any thing or any ones in a good apearence or did good things should say Mashaallah,
If we are so hungry and thrusty and got it after having it shoulh say Jazakallah.
I mean that thinking is the first to get appearence in making or having food and water which Allah provide,
So do say these three words where in all three word the almighty names comes that is ALLAH.

48. Ringing the bell is just like tunning the radio frequency,
'Cause when calling to someone we get contentment just like after listning music in the radio when it is being tuned.
So tuned the frequency of the radio for the Friends or Loved ones.

49. HOME Means of Abbriviation,
HOME = Habitat Outstanding Moment in Environment,
'Cause In Home You Have To Habitat Or Live A Distinct And Outstanding Moment Which Is Being Placed In The World Pointer To Servive And From Environmental Attack,
The Environmental Attack Are Wind, Sun And Rain,
So Love Your Home Which Gives You Protection.

50. MILES means of Abbriviation,
MILES = Mesurement Introduce for Length to Explore Space,
'Cause in MILES you have to travell a distance where you can mesure the space which the length introduce for exploration,
Exploration mean that during travelling you have to interact with various types of place and people,
So keep travelling Melions of Miles.

51. RAMADAN means of Abbriviation,
RAMADAN = Rescue Attacked Mind Against Demonic Activity in Nation,
'Cause in Ramadan you have to rescue your attacked mind by evil or demonic activity in the living world i mean the nation you are in,
While rescuing yourself from evil behaviour Allah promote you to the heaven,
So keep Fast in Ramadan.

52. Life is an honour which the almighty gave to every individual as a gift,
which is being used from born to death i mean this is the only one gift which stays with you in life time,
But rest gift doesent stays with you this much time,
So enjoy the gift of almighty.

53. BED Means of Abbreviation,
BED = Binded Emotion Desk,
'Cause Here in BED you are binded in such manner where your emotion are being shown and done transection of love in this desk like office,
And Bed is a part of love transaction executing office where you commit and justify your love....
So dont ever to try to cheat the love.

54. If you want to chase something,
First of all grab the chasing dream,
Then manipulate the dream to be chase,
And finally chase the dreame in a fast and also in a smart minded manner,
It itself complete your dream to be chase,
Do chase your previous executing dream,
Then you will come in the status of perfectness.

55. Satellite are the most important in life the allah said,
'Cause without it we cant cellibrate our religious celliberation,
After seeing it we start keeping fast,
And after seeing it we stops keeping fast,
And also after seeing it we start cellibrate our precious celliberation known as Eid,
So do respect the satellite not only satellite but also every celestial bodies,
'Cause every celestial bodies have specific role in every individuals life.

56. Independence is here but still a Slave,
'Cause we cant judge our status as brave,
'Cause cant pick currect leader in political sphere,
'cause every individuals not voting as brave,
So just wake and use your status as a brave.

57. GOLD means of Abbriviation,
GOLD = Governing Organized Leader of Department,
'Cause in every organization the currency is governing organized in the department it is being used,
Here Currency is for Gold which is the assets or capital of every country which plays a role for transection,
It is also a cause of War inside every Country,
So use the Gold of the country in a desire manner.

58. Everyday its a starts as Dawn and ends with Dusk,
Dawn says that its a good morning and Dusk says good evening,
but the rest part of life is night and noon,
Which acts as bridges between this two start and end,
'Cause bridges are also acts as linking between two time,
But it also acts as love conjunction between the two fellow,
So say good night and goodafter noon,
It itself says greet you the start and end,
'Cause this two time have bridges between these two time.

59. Why We Used To Say "Good After Noon",
'Cause If We Says Or Greet Someone At The Noon Time,
And The Noon Time Is Exact 12:00 'O Clock Noon,
Neither One Milisecond Less Nor More,
Then The Time Taken To Say Or Greet Someone Then It Convert To 12'O Clock After,
'Cause Sound Travels Slow Then The Time,
'Cause There Is A Minisecond Exceeds And Converts It Into After 12'O Clock,
Which Itself Says That I Am Passed Due To Exceed Of Minisecond Of Time,
So We Have To Say Or Greet "Good After Noon".

60. Mother is the first and last destination of every individuals,
'Cause when you take birth from mother womb is first destiny,
And grave is also a last destiny of the every individuals,
'Cause mother is that where from we get born,
And land is also a mother where we born and where we put in the grave after death,
Which is the final destiny of every individuals.

61. DROP means of Abbriviation,
DROP = Develop Revolutionary Organized Power,
'Cause Collection of Drops makes an Ocean,
And Collection of Individuals makes a Unity,
Unity is the Power which is in the Organised form for Revolutionary Development for every Country,
So Collect your Drops for Revolution.

62. FABLE means of Abbriviation,
FABLE = First Article Build for Latter Exploration,
'Cause of Fable means Short Story,
Fable describe itself that it Firstly Article or Story which is being Build for Ferther or Latter to be Explore,
So before Exploration you should have Fable.

63. PEN means of Abbriviation,
PEN = Presenting for Exploring on Notepad,
'Cause If you use a Pen to write something mean you just want to explore something from your mind to be noted down for smart presentation for life time,
So use Pen unhesitantly.

64. If you are in guilt of failure,
Then dont open the door,
Just open the window to peep,
You will see many fellow is in guilt,
And how they are tackling this happen,
Then it itself open the door of your way.

65. Knowledge is depend on books,
Books depends on paper,
Paper depends on life,
'Cause Paper made up of Bark of Trees,
And Trees have life on it,
So finally i mean that Knowledge depends on Life.

66. Life can be change if and only if,
We change the Speach of life in it,
While promoting life which can be meaningfull in Nature,
'Cause Nature defines the life of the word which is in it,
So promote your life.

67. Higher then the Heaven,
When I got is my Honour,
Praise the Allah, Praise the Mohammad,
Who is the Founder of Islam in Nation,
'Cause without approval of Allah via Mohammad,
We cant get Heaven as an Honour,
If you tackle tossing and turning in devotion,
Allah will provide you Heaven as an Honour,
So Praise the Allah and Praise the Mohammad.

68. Promote the life is just like promoting the nature,
'Cause Nature defines the life which is in it,
And Life is a part of Nature to Formulate it,
'Cause collection of Life is known as Nature,
So Promote The Life of Nature.

69. Pen formulates the word of speach,
Speach formulate the containment for commitment of work,
'Cause when we use Pen it mean that we have to write the speach or thoughts of the mind said which is being built by formulating of words,
And Speach here mean that it is being commitment policy of the leaders mostly using but not executing,
So Formulate the word of speach of work using Pen.

70. The bunch of Fire caught then even Storm can not put off it,
If the Candle Light or Match Stick Light Lit Up then even a Flickering movement of air can put off it,
'Cause I mean if the unity is there then no any big troubble can change their profile,
And But If there is only an individual is there then only a bit of troubble can change there profile,
So gather your individual to develop unity.

71. Nature defines the hell and heven,
'Cause in nature there is various types of phenomenon activity occur,
Some occur good for us and some bad for us,
If we use natural thing in friendly manner then it will act as heaven in earth,
But if we play the things of nature as unworthy then it acts as hell in earth,
So dont play with nature......

72. Devotion is best presentation in life,
'Cause in life you have to regard to your parents as well as your dedication to work,
While performing these activity it known as devotion,
And almighty said it as best presentation in life,
So perform this activity for the presentation of devotion in life.

73. Mind is more Dangerous than Heart,
'Cause in mind there a verity of topic can be executed,
Which can made or destroy the life of every individuals,
But heart have only one sence which is to be executed like love,
If this two things unite to form ballance in life,
So Control your Mind and Synchronize with Heart.

74. Love and friendship is just like a sound once created and its frequency never stops and remain circulate in atmosphere of our life..............

75. EID is the Special Festival Presented to the Devotee after Long Distance of Ramadan by Almighty Allah,
'Cause in Ramadan to have wthout Food and Water is not Necessarily but also you have to control your nerves and sence orgain,
If doing control these thing then only you will get success in life while protecting from demonic activity,
So The EID is only for that type of fellow who follows the protocol of Ramadan.

76. My Own Written Fable Lyrics On The Eve Of Moon Night Of EID >>
The Night Is Still Young,
'Cause Still Now The Purchasing is Going On,
The Happy Moment Is Just Is In Heart On,
So EID Wishes Is Distributing From Inner Core Of Heart Goes On.

77. Day Activity is Mission Executing But Dreams are the Planning of next Mission.

78. Time Tells us the Status of our Life, But Distance Tells the Cover of the Status.......

79. Demonic is created by Mind,
And Loving is created by Heart,
If these two unite then it forms Demonic Love,
It should be Handdle with care,
So beware of Demonic Love,
'Cause Love is Demonic in Nature.

80. Sound Of Nature Defiens The Activity Of The Nature..........

81. What My HOBBY Defines ME,
My Sketching tells The Emotions Of My Heart,
My Dancing Tells The Affections Of My Heart,
But My Writing Tells The Sketching & Dancing Of My Heart In My Life.

82. Its My Style Of Encouraging Statement >>>
Old Style is This : Try, Try And Try Again Until You Succeed........
But Mine Is This : Continue The Target Practice Until You Get Bulls Eye........

83. Love and Friendship is like a Niddle & Thread,
'Cause They connect the Happiness of Cloths in the Life to formulate a Garments in their Relationship,
So Use it Carefully & Unhassitently.

84. The day is more lighter then night but still the night is cold,
'Cause night is dark and dark absorbs all types of light and if dark absorbs these light then it should be hotter but still cool.

85. My Own Written Thought On Terrorism >>
Terror is the type of activity which some misguided personalities did this as just like firing their own interest on the arm of Islam.......
And Islam didn't allow these things......

86. Love and Friendship is like a Niddle & Thread,
'Cause They connect the Happiness of Cloths in the Life to formulate a Garments in their Relationship,
So Use it Carefully & Unhassitently.

87. crying is a part of emotion of the heart
heart defines the center of the feealings.

88. Smile is the only things for hiding the hurted feelings of poor personality,
'Cause when any personality got troubble in his life they smile in that very moment for hiding their feelings which they are facing in their life from others to justyfy that they are happy.

89. Body Is A Part Of Sound Creator,
Soul Is A Part Of Frequency Of Sound,
'Cause While Doing Some Activity It Creates A Sound And When Soul Emitted From Body When It Is Dead Then Its Soul Wanders Like Frequency Of Sound.

90. Love And Friendship Is Like A RAINBOW,
Which Can Splits 7 Colours Of Featured Happiness In Everybody's Life,
So Live Like A RAINBOW.

91. My Own Written Thought On Sweet Moment >>>
Death Is The Sweetest Moment In Every Individuals Life Given By Allmighty Allah,
So Every Individuals Have To Taste This Moment In The Last Of The Last Stage Of Life.

92. My Own Written Thought On JOKER >>>
Nobody Seen The Darkness Of Jokers,
'Cause There Is A Planty Of Colors,
Darkness is the sorrow part of jokers but the colours provide the happiness to everybody by the jockers,
So Before Laugh You Just Think About It.

93. My Own Written Thought Of Chasing The Dreams >>>
Morning Is The Ready State Of Dreams,
Noon Is The Process State Of Dreams,
Evening Is The Process Execution State Of Dreams,
Night Is The Process Termination And Completion Of Dreams
So Follow This Protocol For Chasing The Dreams.

94. My Own Written About Celebration >>>
Celebration is itself tells that the every individuals enjoying their relation while acting like celebrity in a party....

95. My Own Written One Line Thought >>>
Destination Always Call By Only By The Chaser Who Has Guts To Chase The Dreams Destination,
So Make Your Guts As A Chaser.

96. Your Smile Pushes My Guts For Chasing My Dreams Destination,
So Keep Smiling When You Get In Front Of Me....

97. Dont Make Autograph On My Heart,
Make My Heart As Your Signatory,
'Cause Autograph Are Given To The Fan Follower Which I Am Not,
I Am A Love Of Yours So You Have Authenticate To Use My Heart As A Love Signatory That Nobody Can Enter My Heart,
So Do What I Say.

98. LOVE Means Of Abbriviation,
Linking Which Obeyed By Various Entities,
'Cause When You Fell In Love It Means You Firstly Linked To The Loved One By Obeying To The Loved One To Which Followes Various Entities I Mean By Every Individuals,
So Better To LOve.

99. My Own Written One Line Thought On Parents >>>

Living Older And Die For Younger, Is The Features Of Mother And Father...........
So Hats Off To The Older For This Features.........

100. My Heart Defines The Way Of My Foot..........
'Cause Heart Is The Nature Of Loving And Due To This It Act Like True Defination With The Use Of Mind For The Walk In The Nature Of Their Nation.
So Use Your Heart.............

101. I Created On My Own Thought Of FACEBOOK Means Of Abbriviation >>>
FACEBOOK = Fake Activity To Create For Exploring Bogas Object Oriented Knowledge.

102. Disaster is the cleanliness of nature done by the almighty,
‘Cause if it occurs then the human comes to pray to almighty to the core of the heart with respect with mind,
While doing this every individual disaster activity done without the fear of almighty got in vain and start cleaning the destructive mind,
So don’t hesitate to handle it,
‘Cause almighty gives a chance to you to again to stand erect in a right manner,
So you just thank to almighty for giving the chance for correcting our fault.

103. Router defines the route of the network,
Navigator defines the way on to the network,
Where protocol defines the correctness of the sender end to the receiver end with regard to the middle end,
And for all Quran Defines all above three features of router, navigator and protocol in the life of every person,
‘Cause born is the sender end activity and death end is the receiver activity in every individuals in their nation span.

104. Shadow Defines The Fan Follower,
And Opaque Object Defines The Celibrity,
'Cause Its Just Like A Relationship Between Celibrity And The Fan Follower,
Where If Celibrity Did Good Work Then Fan Follower Follows It, And
If He Or She Did Not Done Good Performance Then Automatically It Comes In Dark And That Time Followers Gone Off,
So Moral Is If Any Celibrity Comes In Light I Mean Highlited Automatically Shadows Follows Like A Fan Follower.

105. Grow Like A Tree And Flows Like Water,
'Cause Trees Grows In A Great Hight Like Your Promotion In Your Life,
And Your Nature Should Be Flown Like Water Who Goes From Higher To The Lower Like As An Attitude In Life,
So Go And Grow And Flow Your Life.

106. Leaves Defines The Number Of Branches In A Tree,
Stars Defines The Number Of Constillation In A Galaxy,
Where Same As Every Individuals Defines The Number Of Strength In Their Livelyhood,
So Don't Feel Your Self Alone.

107. Your Way Of Your Will Defines The Intent Of Your Power,
And The Arina Justify The Power You Executed,
'Cause If You Need To Control Your Anger For Anybody Then The Way You Control Yourself And For And To Whome And Where You Grasp Your Anger Is Justifies The Way Of Your Will Tend To The Location,
So Do What This Quotation Defines.

108. Pyar In Hindi Which Mean LOVE Is That Word Which Starts With Alphabet "P" And Ends With "R " It Means "PR" Is The Abbriviation Of "Promise Return".
And The Rest Alphabet Inside The Word Of Pyar Is Y And A It Mean Year Accelerate I Mean The Promise Return To The Lover In A Regarding Manner And This Regards Should Be Keep Going On And On As Year Passed
By - Sharry Talking.

109. LETTER Means Of Abbriviation :
Life Educate For Transferring Tentative Exploring Resource.
'Cause In Life It Educate The Every Individuals For Transit The Educational Activity Uncertain Exploring Done By The Help Of Word Power Which Is The Resource And Resource Is Developed By Collection Of Alphabet.
So Use Your LETTER In A Smart Manner.

110. DATA Means Of Abbriviation :
DATA = Denoting Activity On Terminal For Accelerate.
'Cause if we use or initiate Data it mean we announce the activity into the terminal or place where we have to govern on it for the use of Data.
So Use Data Without Bothering.

111. Dancing is a art of excercise,
Which defines by the rythm of music and executed in the dance floor of dance,
So that everybody surpise.

112. When I Present In My Promiseland,
When Dreams calls I am Absent,
'Cause I Just Go To Chase That Dreams.
Here Dreams Is Your Allah.

113. LOVE Means Of Abbriviation :
LOVE = Linked Obeyed By Various Entities.
'Cause If The Two Fellow Linked With Each Other They Just Obeyed The Law Of Their Loved Fellow,
So Each Side Of The Love Advent Act As A Entities And It Is Allow For The Various Practices.
Love Is Different In Different Aspects,
Loving Your Parent Is Known As Respect,
Loving Your Loved Fellow Is Known As Promises.
So Love Your Love.

114. Sharry Talking Thought:
GATE Means Of Abbriviation :
GATE = Governing Activity Terminate/Transfer To Exit/End.
'Cause When It Close It Mean That We Are Closing The Process Of Inlet And Outlet(Governing) Activity Which Is Performing Into Terminate Or To Transfer To The End Which Appear or Locate In The Outer Boundary Of The Building Which Is We Say Exit.
So Handdle The Gate In Your Life With Care.

115. One Line Quotation By Sharry Talking:
If You Can't Sync My Walking Foot Then It Mean That You Are Not In My Life.

116. Love Is In Your Hand And Also To Cover Your Love Is Also In Your Hand,
'Cause It Can Able To Create By Your Hand Which This Pic Define.
So Use Your Hand To Formulate The LOVE Function.
By - Sharry Talking.

117. The Destiny Dreams Are Lying Under My Foot But Still My Heart Is Searching For The Target.
By - Sharry Talking.

118. One Line Quotation:
When Sometime When You Find Yourself It Mean You Have An Idea To Create Yourself........
By - Sharry Talking.

119. Sharry Talking Says:
Solitaire Is My Style So Solitaire Is My Life,
Searching The Dreams Makes Me The Solitaire,
'Cause Dreams Are My Heart And Dreams Are My Soul,
Due To The 100 Years Is The Love Is Illegal In Life.

120. Para Quotation By Sharry Talking:

Smiling During The Sleeping,
Smiling In Front Of Mirror Glimp,
Don't Know The Reason Of Smiling Film,
Thats Was The Dreams Make Me Smiling.

121. Maritial Status Says That:
In Maritial Relation We Did The Transaction Of
Love,Emotion And Feelings
So Due To This It Itself Says That
This Relation Is A Marketing
But Specific In Nature.
By - Sharry Talking.

122. Sharry Talking Fable Lyrics:

Lucky is my Heart and Lucky is my Mind,
'Cause they make me fall and bowed for the divine,
Walking in the Way and Walking in the tracked,
'Cause destination is a target for divined.

123. Sharry Talking Says.
One Line On Generation Gap :
Predecessor Makes The People Ancestor When He Grows Older,
So Don't Make Him/Her Limited Then How You Impose Your Experience To Him/Her.

124. Dreams Defines The Way To Initialized The Trick Of Making Track Towards Destination.
By - Sharry Talking.

125. One Line Quotation On Addict :
Addict Kills But Addicted Good Did Develops Knowledge In Did's.
By - Sharry Talking.

126. A Good To Love And Devotion By Sharry Talking.

Love And Devotion In The Track,
Love And Devotion In The Destination End,
Love And Devotion In The Start End,
'Cause In Life Born Is Also A Type Of Life First End Point As Respect To Death As Destination Is A Type Of Last End Point.
So Feel Love And Fell In Devotion In All Part Of Life.

127. A Short Line On Relation :
Every Good Relation Depend On Good Transection.
'Cause Love, Regard, Respect, Feelings And Trust Are The Type Of Transection.
So Do Your Transactions Unhassitently.
By - Sharry Talking.

128. A Short Line On Women:
Women Are The Kitchen King In The Appearence Of Queen.
By - Sharry Talking.

129. CLOUD Means Of Abbreviation:
CLOUD = Crystalized Liquid Orderly By Uniting Drops.
'Cause It Is In The Form Of Crystal Made Of Liquid When Solidify In An Order By Combining Of Drops And Without Uniting The Liquid Drops It Can't Get Solidify And Also Cloud Is In The Form Of Liquid Crystal.
So Feel Like Cloud.
By - Sharry Talking.

130. Feature Of Text.
Text Says That When Reader Read In Loud Manner Makes Good Affection,
And Can Also Be Able To Read Without Loud Manner.
So Text Is In The Form Of Silent But Effect Is Pleasant.
By – Sharry Talking.

131. Silent Is Pleasant And Music Also, If In Silent State We Feel Pleasant But Noise State We Do Not And Music Is Produced By Sound And Sound Has Noise In Nature.
So We Feel Pleasant In Flexible Nature.
By – Sharry Talking.
132. Evil Activity Is The Test Subject As A Gift Of Almighty.
‘Cause Evil Behavior Onto Every Individuals Are The Gift Of Almighty Allah As A Test Activity How Human Handle It And To Find The Right Way.
So Don’t Fear Of Evil Activity Done By You.
By - Sharry Talking.
133. Destructive Path Defines The Prior Traveller Tackling His Tremendous Achievement Of Goal Event.
‘Cause In Every Point Of Damage Part Of The Track Defines The Higher Frequency Of His Tackling Is Created The Event Of His Life.
So Don’t Ever Pause Your On Going Of Life Tracking.
By – Sharry Talking.
134. Meeting Is Pleasant But Not Departed,
If I Say That Departed Is Pleasant Then What You Say Am I Wrong, But I Am Ain’t,
‘Cause When Soul Depart From Body In The Time Of Death, And It Is Always Said That In Earth Death Is Pleasant Moment Of Human As Allah Says And Allah Is Always Right,
So Don’t Fear Of Being Departed.
By – Sharry Talking.
135. A Good Relation Depends On Good Initial,
‘Cause If You Make Love Or Friends Then It Is Just Has To Start A Good Initialize Which Act As A Initial Of The First Interaction To Grown On Ever Good And Healthy Relation And Relation Are Here Love And Friends,
And Good Initial Of First Time Is The First And The Last Good Impression.
So Don’t Hesitate Of Your Initial.
By – Sharry Talking.
136. Tongue Is The Soft Part Of Body But Specifically It Hurts,
‘Cause If It Use In A Anti-Polarity Manner It Loses The Best Part Of Interacting People In Life,
But If Use In A Polarity Manner It Ties The Knot Between Two People.
So Use It In A Command Manner.
By – Sharry Talking.
137. Heart Is In Silent But Heartbeat Is Not,
My Pain Is In Silent But My Cry Is Not,
‘Cause Heart And Pain Is Not Seen But Feel, But Reciprocally Heartbeat Is Feel Through The Body But Cry Is Spread Through Sound Advertising The Feelings, But Still No Response,
Do You Know Why?
‘Cause I Am Alone.
By – Sharry Talking.
138. Don’t Walk In Front Of Me ‘Cause I Can’t Judge Your Face That Who Is In Front Of Me, And Also,
Don’t Walk Behind Of Me ‘Cause I Can’t Judge That Who Is Following Me, So,
Walk By My Side So That At Least I Can Feel Your Hand In Walking, And Also Feel That You Are In My Life, And If Walking By My Side It Mean You Make My Life Along With Me, Like The Track Having Two Parallel Line To Complete My Meaningful Life Line And For That I Can Get My Destination,
So Participate In My Life And Make My Life With Your Innocent Hand Which Is My Lucky Hand That Is Of You.
By – Sharry Talking.
139. LADDER Means Of Abbreviation:
LADDER = Accelerate For Defining Dreams Executing Resource,
‘Cause Ladder Has Its Fixed Start Point But Not Fixed End Point But The Steps Are As A Event Or Day Which You Are Produced Or Passed In Your Life,
Here Ladder Accelerate Your Defined Life By Almighty Allah And Allah Given You A Dream That Dream Is Your Way Of Living And Having Dreams Then You Are Fulfilling The Way Of Tackling To Have A Dream That You Have To Execute In A Smart Manner That Is The Resource In The Sense Of Ladder It Is The Resource That Provide You To Execute Your Life Dream.
So Use Your Ladder In Your Own Commanding Manner.
By – Sharry Talking.

140. This Photo Of Poor Defines That It Is Worthless To Cry On Need,
Don't Cry For Your Need 'Cause Need Is Not Proficiency Of Ever Time.
By - Sharry Talking.

141. A Sweet Line On Evil Pointing,
Every Evil Activity Or Behavior Points You That If You Are Able To Do Evil Activity Then Reciprocally You Are Also Able To Do The Good Activities.
So Do The Reciprocal Work Of Evil.
By – Sharry Talking.

142. Event Of Happy Birth Day Depends On The Soft Sweet With Knife,
‘Cause Your One Year Of Your Life Has Been Cut From Your Life Which Converts It Into A Sweet And Soft Memorandum,
So Only The Cake Act As A Sweet And Soft Memories And Knife Act As A Subtracting Gadget.
So Think Of Your Past And Minus Year That What You Done And What You Lose And What You Are Going To Do In The Next Year And Also To Make Improvement In Your Future Life.
By – Sharry Talking.
143. Ever Tells The People That,
“Where There Is A Will There Is A Way” Is The Old Say.
But Regarding To The Photo Shot.
“Where There Is A Camera Or Location There Is A Awesome Photo Shot”
‘Cause The Location Defines The Shooter To Click The Photo,
So Shot The Photo When The Location Ask.
By – Sharry Talking.
144. Features Of Tears :
Why Alphabet “T” Is With Alphabets “EARS” To Complete “TEARS”,
‘Cause When We Hear The Good Or Bad News We Often Cry In That Position,
And Tears Comes In The Time Of Crying.
Here “T” = Tumble The Tears After The “EARS” Said So,
If We Hear The Good Or Bad News Then Suddenly We Start Weeping In For Good And Bad Tears We Often Say That Strike By The Ears To The Mind For Reacting The Situations And Tears Fell Down.
So Don’t Think That Crying Is Good Or Bad Its Only A part Of Life.
By - Sharry Talking.
145. Stories Defines Singular In Nature,
Stories The Collection Of Events In A Life But It Is In A Form Of Singular In Nature,
'Cause In A English Terminology The Group Is A Plural But Here Collective Is Events Which Is Itself A Stories In A Individual Which Collectively Called As A Sweet Life Span Which Is In A Remember In Nature,
So Stories Is A Singular In Nature But Specifically Depends On Eyes Of Seeing.
By - Sharry Talking.
146. Colour Defining The Emotion Of Heart,
Heart Produce The Various Blossom Of Colour Some Are Red For Love, Yellow For Friendship, Pink For Happiness And White For Peace.
‘Cause The Heart Defines The Feeling Of Its Emotions And Define It In The Form Of Colour,
So Feel The Relation Of Heart By The Colour.
By – Sharry Talking.
147. Having Your Kiss Is Like Feeling Of Heaven,
Describing Your Kiss As Novel,
This Life Is Just Like Sea Soaring,
Who Knows That When The Death Is Coming.
This I Said In Fable In My Lyrics.
By – Sharry Talking.

148. “My Heart Did Not Get Devotion ‘Cause My Chess Of Heart Did Not Have Pawn In Its Play Board For The Transition”
By – Sharry Talking.

149. Termination Of Love Is Here,
‘Cause Exam In The Face Of Ramadan Is Over,
And The Enjoy Of The Exam Is Here In Our Hand In The Face Of Eid-Ul-Fitr Is Here,
But It May Come Next Year,
‘Cause It’s A That Type Of Exam And Joy Which Never Ends Its Session,
So Take This Session As A Devotion.
By – Sharry Talking.

150. Friendship Depends On Love,
‘Cause If You Love Your Friends Then You Must Be “Trustworthy”, “Faithful”, “Supportive”, “Reliable”, “Caring” And “Intimate” Which Are The Features Of “Best Friends”, And Best Friend Always Love To Their Friends,
So It Is Clear That Friendship Depends Upon Love.
Then Who The Hell Were Saying That The Friendship Is More Important Than Love, But Here It Is Only And Only A Dependable Love And Vice-Verse.
By – Sharry Talking.
151. Chairs In A Various Places Defines The Place Of Your Honor What You Are,
‘Cause If The Chair Placed In Your Behalf In Manager Office Mean You Are Honored As A Manager,
And If The Chair Placed In Your House In Your Living Room Means You Are Honored As A Relaxing,
So Chairs Of Yours In Regarding Defines Your Status You Deserves As An Honor.
By – Sharry Talking.

152. A Fable Line On Music:
Shake Me The Music In Your Arena,
To Let Walking Me Along With You,
To Show My Expression Of My Heart To You,
Which Create A Meaningful Entertainment.
By – Sharry Talking.
153.DEW Means Of Abbreviation,
DEW = Develops Eyes When Walking On,
‘Cause When We Walk On The Grass Where The Dew Concentrated By The Vapor Through Whole Night In The Dawn Time Till Sunrise And Practicing This Activities Whole Life Develops Your Eye Sight In A Correct Way,
So Practice Your Dew Walking.
By – Sharry Talking.
154.Suspicious Is The Terminator Of Love,
‘Cause If You Put Question Mark On Your Loved Ones Instead Of Respect The Activity Of Loved Ones Asking More And More Question Mark And Making It Complexity Of Your Relationship Relevant Issue In Worthless Manner Is A Suspicious Occurrences May Cause A Termination Of Love,
So Don’t Be Suspicious In Love.
By – Sharry Talking.
155. The Word “HARDEST” Start With Alphabet “H” And Ends With “T”
Mean To Hunt The Target And Its Short For -
HARDEST = Hunting For Achieving The Responsibility Till Destination To Execute The Subject For The Target,
‘Cause When You Hunt The Target It Is To Be Keep In Mind That You Should Be Responsible In The Way Till Destination For Executing The Task Of Your Subject And Subject Is Here As A Target That Should Be Govern In A Good Responsibility,
So, You Have Not To Fear Of The HARDEST Thing Given By The Almighty Allah.
By – Sharry Talking.
156. Children Are Like The Wheels Of Transit In The Family,
Parents Are Like The Steering And Break In The Family,
‘Cause Steering Gives The Way To The Wheels And Let Them In A Right Track, And If Going In Wrong Way It Changes The Direction Of The Track, And Also If Going In The Wrong Direction It Controls With Using Break,
Here Same The Parents Do,
So Respect The Parents Words.
By – Sharry Talking.

157. Chapters Of Novel Is Like Defining The Steps Of The Life,
‘Cause Each Chapter Defines That What You Done In Your Walk Of Life And Each Steps Of Your walking Feet Is Like Chapters.
So Make Your Novel By Keeping Each Steps Right And Create Yourself As A Legend.
By – Sharry Talking.

158. World Greatest Happiness Transection,
It Is Always Said That “Happiness” Can’t Be Buy From Anywhere,
But This Sharry talking Says That He Can Buy The Happiness While Paying Or Sharing His Happiness To Other Like The Ancient Way Of Transection Known As Barter System.
By – Sharry Talking.

159. The Symbol Features Represented,
The Concept Of The Symbol Of Right And Wrong Depend On Its Functionality Of The Behavior Of The Fellow.
The Right Tick Mark Is Made Like The People Who Is Right Accept The Truth First While Bowing Their Head Which Shows Humble Nature Of The Fellow And The Fellow Think That The Right Fellow Gone Down Like Tick Mark First Goes Down And The Fellow Who Thinks The Bowing Fellow Is Wrong And When The Wrong Fellow Knows The Reason Of The Fellow Is Right Then The Right Fellow Status Goes High In Front Of Wrong Fellow Like The Tick Mark Next Goes High And High,
The Wrong Mark Is Like The Fellow Interfering And Doing Ill Behavior To The Right Fellow Is Not Good Like The Cross Mark Indicate Same As This Statement,
So Look Or Think The Behavior That Which Mark You Are.
By – Sharry Talking.

160. Movement Of Fingers And Hand With Eyes Are The Gadget Of Silence Speaking That Can Be Heard By The True And Favorable Friends And love,
‘Cause Movement Of Hand Fingers And Eyes Do Not Produce The Sound Effect But Create A Better Effect To The Friends Or loved Ones Heart,
So Use This Gadget In a Smart Manner That Create A Good Transaction.
By – Sharry Talking.